campermama wrote:
So I had another idea....what if I add another outlet up front close to the batteries, I can do this easily, then plug In the inverter there and use an extension cord over to the tv (tv plugs into extension cord). Will this work?
Anybody have any other ideas to do this easily?
Yes. by all means. and I will tell you why.
Let us assume the TV draws 100 watts. (Note this is not what it draws or rather I'd be very surprised if it was but it's a nice easy number to work with)
At 120 volts that's not even 1 amp. Fairly light weight wire can carry it with next to no voltage loss and even if there is loss what's 2 or even 5 volts (less than 10 percent heck less than 5 percent)
Now. Due to conservation effiecency and other things I use 10 volts to calculate the 12 volt side draw. so 100 watts will draw About 10 amps.
That means you need 10 times the wire to get the same votage loss. and 5 volts.. is now almost half your battery voltage Even a 1 or 2 volt loss will shut down the inverter.
So mount the inverter as close to the battery as you can (But not in the same air-space, inverter needs to breath clean air not battery fumes).
Use heavy cable. heavier than the inverter maker suggests
Either use "zip" type cables (Like lamp cord the red and black are joined side by side) or tape the hot and ground together (Like a wire loom) for as much of the run as possible.
But put the inverter near the battery
Hook up is .. Battery +--Fuse--Inverter back to battery - 2nd fuse suggested but I do not think necessary on an RV house system.