You might think about changing your thread title. Your asking about a 2015 Jeep Liberty - they don't make it anymore. Never made a 2015 or 2014.
We haven't had any major issues with our trailhawk. However as you've read there have been some struggles with the new 9 speed tranny. I believe the newer ones coming out have addressed some of those issues.
What it was (is) addresses reprogramming. Some of those having it done have trashed their tranny. The problem in the beginning was not downshifting at speed trying to go up a hill. So I they changed that. Then it started having problems not downshifting into second or first when going slow ( almost to a stop) or turning corners. Some people who are a bit heavy on the foot while coming out of the turn could find it in third instead of first or second ( where it should be). This is what ours is doing after the second flash. If you know what to expect you learn to live with it. Or you can put it in sport and it'll drop to a more appropiate gear.
We really like the way the car rides, comfort level, snow won't stop it, mostly everything about it. The transmission issue does give me some minor concern about its future reliability. Ours was one of the first out and the lease is almost over. We'll probably look at a Grand Cherokee next as I want something slightly bigger. Other than that ours has towed just fine. There are a few ( maybe a couple) on this forum that have experienced some odd towing instability going over bumps. We haven't seen this. IMHO it's more how you setup your towing gear.
All that being said it wouldn't stop me from buying another ( other than wanting bigger) after this one. As any other manufactures the bugs get worked out.