krsmitty wrote:
Wanted to see if anyone here has done that...5er back to a travel trailer?
Reasons why?
Any regrets?
Notice any big difference in towing/backing etc?
Reason why... I ran out of truck before I ran out pin weight on the 5th wheel we wanted and did not spend $45,000. So our old pick up works fine for us.
Any regrets... none.
Notice any big difference in towing/backing etc?...
5th wheel tows better and always will. More weight over rear axle but nothing to get worked up about. I've got about 13% tongue weight and I have a cheap hitch set up and no problems. Last year about 6,000 miles.
Backing...Put in "R" and just don't use braille method in either 5th wheel or TT. 5th wheels are usually taller, so low hanging trees a concern. TT turning point little bit different. Takes about twice to get a feel of it.
Enjoy use of full pick up bed. Don't like how long I am with truck and TT at some campgrounds.
To many, it comes down to you picking a floor plan and design you are happy with. Very few look at axle weights, tire capacity, running gear ect. Which in my thinking I wouldn't look at the insides of something that didn't meet my running gear requirements. But that's me, not anybody else.