EsoxLucius wrote:
And to equate military preparedness to what can be expected for civilian preparedness is ridiculous. To expect everyone to be prepared to kill anyone they meet is asinine.
So you believe that folks in the military (or otherwise in conflict) are the only ones who might encounter evil? Could it be said that all those folks in Paris died because no one in the entire crowd was prepared or able to defend themselves? Look at the video of those people who were shot at while at the cafe in Paris. Had almost any of them been armed, they could have almost positively stopped that one attacker. I'll take a gun any day over not having one!!
wa8yxm wrote:
Thank you Majorgator (The "They were shot" info)
Folks I keep hearing from some folks how more guns is the solution..Texas is a state with lots of guns.
Here's the progblem.. Average reaction time is 1/4 of a second, Assuming I'm on the alert it will take me 1/4 second to see you as a danger.. Average.. of course if I'm not on "Red Alert" it might take one second or more to HEY' HE's pointing a gun at me" and with a semi-automatic weaping he's already fired 3 or 4 shots. I'm dead (or dying) and not able to draw my weapon and shoot back.
(on the other hand if I have a weapon he'd better shoot me first cause I tend to shoot straight and I drink coffee, not booze) But still. Odds are even as a teen I'd not have been fast enough.
That is 1/4 second to see the danger.. and then you have to put your hand on teh gun, draw, on some models release the safety, aim and fire... no way are you fast enough.. not possible.
That said. in a campground situation if it is your next site neighbor's family that's getting shot.. You may be fast enough to put a stop to it since the shooter is not focused on you. (You are still covered by "Self Defense" since it's defense of others in this case. but.. Well.. I know folks who are highly trained, and even they have issues with shooting a real person. I **THINK** I know how I'd respond.. But I'd rather not test it.
Actually, my point was being made to counter the folks who said that that there wasn't any indication as to "how" the people were killed. I was not (and will never) make the suggestion that we shouldn't have more good guys with guns. There will always be bad guys with guns...ALWAYS!!! Another gun is not always the answer (might not have saved the victims in this case), but if you don't have some form of self-defense, you may not live to know whether or not it would have made a difference. Your reaction time is not a useful argument against having a gun for self-defense. Your argument is based upon you getting shot and disabled immediately. Of course, that won't always be the case.
bikendan wrote:
I've seen this incident posted on a number of forums.
What bugs me is the OPs post in incorrectly as occurring in a campground, as if to panic all us that use campgrounds.
They all failed to read the news correctly, that it happened at at private residence, NOT a public or private campground.:M
I wish people would read stuff like this thoroughly, before starting a post about it.
Does it matter where it happened? Campground, your living room, Wal-Mart parking lot? Make reasonable preparations for your safety regardless of where you are. If God sees fit, you might be able to thwart the efforts of the perpetrator.