Forum Discussion

  • GMandJM wrote:

    Some of the commenters on that story are real jerks.

    Na, maybe they are trying to get more posts than Old-Biscuit :B
  • Oh, boy! I was taking that sign seriously at first, Katuna. Funny.
  • First Bear death in YS since like 1916.

    NPR long story had a Bear scientist on and said Black Bears evolved in forested areas and their survival instinct involved running and climbing a tree.

    Grizzlies evolved in less forested areas and their cubs were targeted by Mountain Lions and such and they survived/evolved by attacking whatever got between the mom and her cubs.

    They don't run and climb a tree.

    Here is a sign that pretty much sums it up.

  • support Naio's journalistic endeavours :)

    Some of the commenters on that story are real jerks.
  • Naio wrote:
    NPR story.

    This must be a thread/post for folks who don't watch the news, huh?..:S

    But - like the rants and vents - probably good for about 50+ replies.

    So there's your first one.
