We ran our Peterbilt 130,000/year, that's an average of 2500/week but pulled a flatbed. Time is money! You can run 60 MPH and make 600 miles a day, 70 and make 700. Now, at 70 it figured out to 30,000 miles more per year,thats averaging days off, and we were ahead of the 60 MPH truck by 4 years time our revenue was around 35 K more than the 60 MPH truck and our expenses were only about 7k more. The aerodynamic difference between a covered wagon which is a flat with 5 ft sides and bows with a tarp and a flat was not all that much except when going west in NE, KS, IA, WY, TX, NM, OK and CO which are the windy states with wind from the SW. I dont think anything but weight will help fuel mileage myself. Oh, I ran 75-80 out west adn 65-70 from Il to Baltimore, averaged 6.5 MPG West and 7 MPG east.(more downhill and down wind)