edatlanta wrote:
AmericalVette wrote:
I've been in this park many times over the past 20 years, and never have I seen such behavior. In the past three days, I've watched folks dump fish cooker oil in a fire pit, not at their site, but in the vacant site next to them. Another guy washed his rig at his site, and yet another washed at a dump station. Another couple routinely walk through others camp sites. The final straw is when a "lady" walked her dog into my site to let him do his business. She was startled when I said something, apparently not having seen me sitting outside. But to her husband's credit, he came over and begrudgingly picked it up. Okay, rant over! It's beer time.
I have said this many times and I'll get flamed I know, but RV parks should not allow pets. Dog owners walk their dogs many times a day on leashes that are not 6' max as required by most parks, they almost always use the extendable ones that allow dogs to lunge at you as you go by out to 12-15' or so - It has happened to me more than once. It also happens to other dog walkers who have to protect their little darlings from the big aggressive dogs or even the little aggressive dogs. And almost all dog walkers walk their dogs to other sites to do their business and most don't pick it up either.
Now on to picking up poop. Based on the volume of poop bags that are taken from the dispensers in the park (very few) I am in and also watching dog walkers most poop is left where it falls and mostly not on the offending dog owner's site.
This picture was taken right in front of a poop dispenser, I just didn't get it in the photo before I cleaned this mess up. This was right in front of one of the bath houses in the middle of the road.
">Poop Deposit
Off of soap box. I need another cup of coffee and let the flames begin.
I couldn't agree more !
You are completely right.
Now lets be truthful dog owners:
How many stay to the six foot leash rule?
I figure the ones that do will reply, and all the other 99 percent won't even reply
Jack L