3oaks wrote:
Dick A wrote:
Much of this falls back to parenting or the lack thereof. The mid - late sixties is the root time when some of this started. The era of NAM, free love, and societal values change. It's hard to blame these younger folks as the apple never falls far from the tree.
Unfortunately, each generation has been getting progressively worse. Respect and courtesy toward others is fast becoming a by-gone era.
I full time and I experience MUCH MUCH more respect and fewer problems from younger folks than I do from the irritating Old Codgers who think they own a park just because the have a big 5'er and are parked there. They are the ones that I see with the most problems...socially, inter-personally and with their dogs.
And I almost NEVER see people who don't pick up after their dogs. What I do see alot of is the owners dog running free while mine is tied up and walked and picked up after.
And I see a lot of neighborhood dogs roaming through searching out new friends and smells.
What I DO see very occasionally is people with tiny dogs seem to think they don't have to pick up their poop ("it's so small no one will ever see it") They have a lot in common with those that have those tiny quiet generators who seem to think they can run their generators any time they want...These are all the "Codger" class...not the younger ones in my experience.