As long as she bags the poop, I would have no problem with any dog using a tree on my site. We're fortunate to have a site with a very large grassy area and our two dogs have come to use it all the time. Pick up after your dog and I'm happy. Leave it for me to pick up and we'll have a problem.
djgarcia wrote:
RV Behaviors!!!
A lady with a dog described the ritual of letting their "do their business" on the tree right in front of my RV site. I asked her if she thought this considerate and appropriate? She laughed and told me her dog pooping or peeing right in front of my RV was perfectly ok! I told her that in the morning I was going to walk in front of her RV by a tree and take a whizz and would that be ok??? She thought that was totally inappropriate!!!!! but it was ok for dog to take a dump and whizz everyday on my RV site::):)