I lift the tow vehicle a little bit then unscrew the nuts, most the time a couple turns of the wrench loosens them enough to finish them off with your fingers. The hitch is easy to use but can be a pain if you unhook at an angle then hook back up straight as the plate will be cocked at an angle and you won't be able to hook up the plate without undoing one chain completely then pulling forward to bring the plate around so the other chain can be hooked up.
One thing I don't like about the hitch system is the trailer latch assembly takes all the force while towing as the chains push the trailer hitch onto the ball so basically the front of the hitch isn't touching the ball at all. I am getting some heavy wear on the ball where my latch place is rubbing on the ball, enough to make a flat spot on the ball. I also don't buy there greaseless idea and have started to grease the ball in hopes of reducing ball wear.
I have towed 2500 miles so far and my cone bushing was squeezing out both ends so Anderson sent me a new bushing which I replaced and by the way its not as easy as there you tube video makes it seem. When installing the ball back into the hitch I turned the ball 180 degrees so I can see if the grease helps with ball wear on a new side.
To tell you the truth after seeing the wear and trying to talk to someone at Anderson that knows anything I wish I had just went with the old standard in WD hitches and I just might in the future.