Dustytuu wrote:
We have been RVing for 10 years and full timing for 7 years. Have never stayed in a Walmart parking lot. Do not plan to.
If we can not afford an RV park to rest up when traveling, then we will stay in one place and quit traveling. This is my opinion and how we roll.
We have traveled coast to coast and north to south so we have not stayed in one place much. But still we do not sleep on parking lots.
I am sure someone will have something to say about RV parks could be dangerous too but we do research and choose where we stay in advance of our travels.
Whoopie for youDustytu!..:S
While pinnig the rose on your nose - have you ever noticed ummm -
(possibly) "undesirable" folks in a campground?
Sometimes it's just an opinion (rants on noisy kids, barking dogs, etc.) but other times it's "fer sure"!
Dangerous RV parks - "Oregon Ms" covered it well, but here's something else to say....
Even *YOU* (
Yikes!) may have been staying at the Colorado
*RV Park* where escaped TX
murderers were staying in a MH - without arousing suspicion - even from the mgr.
They were posing as missionaries, playing Christian music to enhance their "credibility".
The "Texas Seven" in RV park - scroll to "Capture".
Bet anyone "overnighting" at any nearby Wallys were smiling!..:)..:B
BTW - camping in RVs since 1970 - never had a problem in places I chose to overnight inc'l Walmarts - some after finding local campgrounds with "no room at the Inn" while traveling from one place to another.
But - You are genuinely a beacon in the darkness!..:C
Everyone should be as efficient as you!...:W