Sjm9911 wrote:
Im for a wdh with sway controll also. Even if you dont have sway, you never know when something out of the ordinary can happen and it saves you.
..No matter how many "professional" RVers claim that belt, suspenders, elastic waist band and 2 hands firmly grasping your belt loops is required to safely tow a trailer, it’s not magical or mysterious. And if you’re in that OH SHT swerve to save your life, if you swerve hard enough to get the trailer to break loose, a wdh isn’t going to tip the odds your way very much.
Again, sway control is for people who are uncomfortable with how a “normal” trailer feels or who have an ill mannered trailer. And a wdh is for if you don’t have enough suspension, or hitch capacity to do the job without a suspension aide.