I like TOM-N's suggestion, and in fact built something along those lines (but not nearly as impressive)
Split the wood, the center will still be dry and the outside will dry as the center burns.
WHat I did:
LP regulator from an old gas grill
Conduit.. In one end of the conduit I cut a pair of "Windows" about the size of the air admittance gate on the grill.. I put a slight bend about a foot beyond that and starting a few inches past the bend drilled holes. around 3/16" as I recall (Size not all that important) finally the far end is hammered flat and bent over to close it off.
Slide it under the fire ring, (Does not work well with these new concrete safety rings less you can figure out how to get under) and light the flame, pile the logs on top.
Basically: Gas fireplace.
I have found.
End of pipe in it gets red hot
End of pie with regulator remains cool to the touch (This is important)
I feed it with a hose from a tank at a distance.
I remove kill the gas flow (At the tank) remove the regulator once fire going good and set them well clear of the pit.
Remove the pipe (OVe-Glove is nice for this even if pipe was cool when you removed the regulator.> Why take chances) and set aside as well.