relaxin wrote:
your trees must have gold leafs,,,, LOL!
around here you can buy pine as low as $50 per face cord(4 feet x 8 feet x 16 inches) typically refereed to as "a cord" (not to be mistaken for a bush cord or what is considered to be a real cord 4'x4'x8') hardwood mix depending on the dealer $70 to $80,,, to as high as $100 if you live in a city for a face cord. (+a delivery charge) perhaps your pricing is for a real cord or bush cord, around these parts its a little different how its advertised and sold.
yes I deal with firewood a fair bit as I heat my house and shop with it from mid november to march, have an old classmate that owns a tree maintenance service in the area who also sells,,,firewood, go figure that one, cuts trees down (gets paid) sells the wood (gets paid)
mostly I go out and cut and dry my own firewood for my house, but occasionally do a little trading that nets me a truckload or 2.
the bundles or bags typical here you could fill about 50 from a face cord $8 x 50,,, or even the low end price of about $6.50 x 50
capitalism is great, and I will exercise my right to shop for the best price, and won't allow someone to rob my wallet through a self created monopoly
oh the letter I have was a result of an inquiry to clarify their rules, the intention of having it is as said encase I encounter an overzealous gate attendant at a provincial park, he can decide whether he/she would like to follow it up with their big boss (who wrote the letter) being a park rule copies of legislation would not be any real asset. that said I have not had to use it (yet) as all the employees seem to be aware of the rules (and the exceptions to) they are to try and enforce.
I have heard other campers in person mention a few private parks that won't allow outside firewood in, I just don't write that stuff down as I typically don't go to private parks. And "Dodgeguy" on here has mentioned his experiences.
Why would any of us lie about that, I have no reason to lie about my experience with the one and only private park I have stayed at in over 10 years, nor about what other people have said, it serves no purpose to me
shall I continue? that came on the first couple pages of a simple search, "park rules, no outside firewood" that brought up many many pages of results, I am sure to alter a couple search words a little would bring up even more, and those are the parks that actually note it on their website.
the sky is blue (when its not cloudy)
thanks for the links, all of those places are private CG but also seem to be more resort style than most, although I am not familiar with any of them they look like I would stay in any of them… but you are right it’s in their rules and advertised on their web site…
I guess things are still changing, although I still don’t see a band wagon, it seems more like private, public cooperation to me and I fully expect to run into this even though every place I have been to lately has had burn Bans or allows locally bought wood to be brought in so far…
As I said it seems to be both public and private…
Indiana says
There are 140 known pests and pathogens that can be moved from place to place in firewood. We all have a responsibility to conserve our Hoosier forests, so the DNR has implemented a new firewood management rule that will be in place on all of our properties this year.
We also know how important campfires are to each of you when you camp, so we’ve included ways that you can still bring firewood in with you.
You can bring firewood into a state park, reservoir, state forest or state fish and wildlife area if
?It is kiln-dried scrap lumber.
?It is from your home or other location in Indiana and has the bark removed. (Ideally, ½ inch of sapwood beneath the bark will also be removed.)
?It is purchased from a department store, grocery store, gas station, etc. and bears a USDA compliance stamp.
?It is purchased from a local firewood vendor outside the property and has a state compliance stamp with it.
?It is purchased from the property campstore or on-site firewood vendor and has a state compliance stamp.
They also provide certified vendors name and contact information…
Find a firewood vendor who has a compliance agreement. Click here for a list of vendors
4. Are you saying I can only take pine to burn at a state park?
You cannot bring ash firewood onto or into a state park anywhere in Michigan. You also cannot take any deciduous firewood from a MDA quarantined area.
5. Does this rule apply if I am going to a state forest campground?
Yes. You cannot bring ash firewood onto any DNR managed lands including state parks, forest campgrounds, recreation areas, access sites and forests.
IMPORTANT: MA State Parks prohibits the transportation of firewood into or out of MA State Park Campground facilities. Arriving customers must get their firewood at the campground. Firewood is available at tthe Camp Store and pricing may vary from other DCR campgrounds. Transportation of firewood into or out of MA State Park Campground facilities may result in eviction, or substantial fine, or both.
To preserve Harmony Park and maintain a safe camping experience, fire rules must be in effect.
Firewood – No outside firewood allowed.
In order to curtail the spread of tree disease, all firewood must be purchased from Harmony Park.
Fires must be attended at all times and extinguished when left. Firewood is generally available for purchase at the park. Please leave firewood at home as a firewood quarantine has been established for the following localities: counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun and Prince William; and the entire cities of Alexandria, Fairfax City, Falls Church, Manassas and Manassas Park. It is unlawful to transport firewood from these localities. Firewood can harbor insect pests, such as the emerald ash borer. The transport of infested firewood has been identified as a leading cause in the introduction of harmful forest insects into un-infested forest areas. Help keep our parks pest-free by leaving your firewood at home .
So it seems this bandwagon isn’t really a bandwagon as much as it is compliance and concern for their investment in their park…
4’x8’s16” may incorrectly be referred to as a cord by some or around where I lived it was ticipally and incorrectly refered to as a face or face cord… since it would take 3 for those stacks to make up a cord I guess you wood has those golden leaves…:B
But wait three 4x8 stacks of pine at $50 ($150/cord)… I doubt I could give it away unless I delivered it to and I’m not even sure then… I know I wouldn’t use it except maybe in an outside burn barrel for some heat at a work site, but I wouldn’t use it in my campfire to cook on or a furnace I heat with… around here most people pay $20 to $25 dollars for a level pick-up or a utility trailer load of fire wood…
Ask your classmate… the only way anyone could make any money in fire wood is if he’s already been paid to remove it or has a large supply of scrap like slab wood… that’s why most firewood retailers are tree service people first…