rk911 wrote:
rlw999 wrote:
Sjm9911 wrote:
Ok, so recomend to me a garden hose style water meter. My TT does not have a gravity fill or overflow and i can not tell how much water is in the freash water tank. If you fill it up too much it can pressurize
I'm curious where the air in the tank goes as you fill it if there's no overflow pipe?
i was thinking the same thing. the gravity fill on our first MH back in '86 had a vent built into the fill port. but if there is zero venting how does any water flow into the tank??
Ok, i thought it had a vent but no overflow, was corected a ways back , and found 2 tubes. Where they go i have no idea since my TT is sealed underneath. Im guessing one is a vent and one an overflow. It still dosen't fill fast so the vent must be clogged. Like on your gravety fill, if the tube has spider webs or something in it the water flow is greatly reduced, or the tank will just spray back at you. Since mine is not open , im guessing thats how it over pressurizes and breaks. I will blow air in them this week and see how it goes.