travelnutz wrote:
Our power never even flickered nor went out. Even though drsteve said his power went out that doesn't mean his laptop, tablet, or cellphone or any backup power item he has was dead too! Nothing MAGIC about it! We and so many others also more than not have a Jet Pack MIFI or a hot spot device or a hot spot on their tablets or a hot spot on their cellphones or ALL 3 like we do plus power cells for recharging any of these items! Then remember that any and all of these devices can also be recharged by a simple 12V DC vehicle or RV battery. Welcome to the present modern today world MDKMDK!
I doubt his ISP is right next door to him and more likely 10 - 20 miles or more away and who says their power also went out there. Then there's also satellite WIFI connections too. We personally could easily go 2 - 3 week+ without any grid power at all and not starting any of our generators nor any of our vehicles and still have total and complete solid and flawless Internet connection!
Might want to re-think your post.
His post just struck me as funny, the way it was worded. No power, still able to post. Don't get your shorts in a knot over it.
btw, I'm in Canada, not far from "the mitt", but it can be like night and day between our countries technology-wise. When the power goes out here, it often takes down everything, including cell towers and cable networks. I guess if you're connected to the internet via a phone land line, you might have connectivity, until the battery in the laptop dies, but we don't. We use them there new fangled cable ISPs, don't cha know? Satellite internet? Only for the rich and famous over here.
So keep in mind that you live next door to what can be a 3rd world type of country in many respects, and we just don't have all the same luxuries as you lucky Michiganders.:B