First I assume that the sub grade is solid with my suggestion for a RV pad with 6" pea gravel and 4" of 6 sack concrete with wire mesh. I would suggest deep grooving the concrete for crack controll also.
Pea grave once placed is 100 percent compacted and provides great drainage. I have used pea gravel to backfill utility ditches for example and required no compaction. I have never had a ditch show thru a parking lot. Under asphalt 5/8 compacted crushed is required because asphalt is not as stable as concrete. Pea gravel is a good substrate for sidewalks also. Same for interior building slabs. Have also used on a big Safeway distribution yard with 8-10" of concrete over the pea gravel with steel rebar. I also use it to backfill ditches inside buildings for plumbing ditches. Fills around pipes without causing damage.