The fridge on AC power uses maybe 5 kWh per day as a very rough guide. It's probably cheaper to run it on electricity than propane, though of course that depends on the relative cost of the two fuels.
The converter idling and "phantom" loads of the microwave clock etc. typically run around 30 or 40 watts for me, if memory serves, call it 1 kWh per day. That's with minimal or no actual usage--no lights or appliances or TVs etc. You might run double that, maybe a bit more, from the sounds of things.
A dollar a day sounds like a reasonable rough guesstimate overall, including a fridge on electric but excluding significant amounts of electric space heating or air conditioning. If you have the space, a compressor drive fridge (even an inefficient dorm size cube fridge) would save a good bit of energy over the absorption fridge, to the point where the break-even point to cover the purchase price is perhaps a year or two. Of course, it can't be run on propane when not on shore power.