I bet if you did a study of the dog owners who had the dogs involved in the killings, they'd all have something in common too. Irresponsible low life's who think owning a "pit bull" is cool, and tough. I bet every one of them was in an urban or suburban environment, with a dog that was tied up and not socialized.
The reason why pit bulls are the number one biters is because pit bulls are the number one dog owned by low life scum bags who are irresponsible.
In the 80s it was German Shepards that low life's owned, and they were the worse biters, they fell out of favor and in the 90s it was rottweiler and dobermans that were being banned, now it's pit bulls. All one thing in common, dogs owned by low lifes.
I've only ever been bit badly by one dog, and it was a golden retriver (Consistently considered a great family dog). 24 years later I still have the scars.