Desert Captain wrote:
Listen to your physical terrorists... oops, therapists.
The harder you work the sooner you will be pain free unless...
You turn out to be the one guy in 10,000 that is deathly allergic to the knee they put in. BTDT, I am severely allergic to cobalt(as in a cobalt chromium knee). After 6 months of hell on earth and 17 days at the VA hospital I convinced my “new” surgeon there was something seriously wrong.
They did a “revision” which is Dr speak for we have to do it over...Another 14 days at the VA hospital.
The new “Oxinium” ceramic knee works well but it will never be completely right.
Fortunately I had no withdrawal issues with all of the opioids I was on for a year.
I do not blame the VA, just my VERY bad luck.
Wow. Good thing you were persistent. I worry that they don't take the time to explain all what is in or made up of that they want to stick in your body.
My dr suggested synthetic knee injections. thank god I looked up what they are made of. They are derived from Chicken Combs!!!
I am highly allergic to all the outside parts of uncooked chicken, like the skin, feathers, even just touching them.
Can you imagine what would have happened if I would of let them inject it into my body! AND the real sad part is there 'is' a warning about chicken allergies on the insert to these injections......that no doctor reads.
My advice is to read, read, read, all you can about what drugs or procedures any doctor prescribes BEFORE you take them.
So glad you are doing fine after having to have another knee replacement.:C