cbconway wrote:
How could a post with the title "Beware of Michelin Tires" possibly cause problems?
Thumbnail reason, The OP said he purchased a used MH and NEVER looked at the tires. Would you have not noticed tires like this?
http://forums.woodalls.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/27017767/srt/pa/pging/1/page/1.cfmThen OP wanted Michelin to replace them, and digressed from there with the OP calling anyone that replied to his post idiots, clowns, etc.
Then when the OP didn't get the coddling he wanted here he opened another thread on the same subject on the Class C forum and started bashing the General RV'ing forum from there. No one attacked this OP most merely asked questions to clarify inconsistencies in the story and the op got defensive and then inflammatory.
Perhaps the OP could post a copy of the infamous receipt for those almost free tires he so valiantly fought for and won. Since he vehemently denied that this post was about getting free tires.