d1h wrote:
Don't you need some sort of enzymes to break down the waste and toilet paper? Sort of the same principle as to why you put rid x in your septic tank at home.
No, rid x is a marketing sales ploy to scare (sell) you into buying their product. Just like the days before Internet (must be true if it is on the Internet) TV ads huckstered a lot of bogus products.
Septic system basics
HERE"The Septic Tank – The heart of your septic system:
The septic tank holds the waste that leaves your home via the main drain pipe. This tank is often made of concrete and is buried in the ground near the home. The size of the septic tank installed in your system is based on the amount of waste it is expected to process. Local building codes will often specify the volume of the septic tank by number of bedrooms, or occupancy of a structure. A four bedroom household of five people will require a larger septic tank than that of a small two bedroom home.
All raw liquid or solid household waste moves by gravity to the septic tank where the flow is slowed to allow the waste treatment process to begin. Once in the tank, the waste is allowed to stand and separate into three layers over a period of about three to five days. The heavy solids settle to the bottom of the tank as sludge, a large middle layer of liquid effluent, and a top layer of floating oil, grease and light solids called scum. During this holding period in the septic tank, billions of anaerobic (without air) enzymes and bacteria work to digest and convert the scum and sludge into liquefied waste. As more waste water enters the tank from the home, the liquid effluent is forced from the tank and into the next component of the septic system, the drain field. A sanitary tee pipe and baffles in the tank prevent solids from flowing out with the liquid effluent into the drain field.
The Drain Field (or Leach Field) – An active septic system filter:
A septic drain field is essentially a group of long, perforated pipes that are installed in gravel filled trenches buried a few feet beneath the topsoil. This system of drain pipes carry the cloudy liquid effluent from the septic tank and allow it to slowly trickle out through the gravel trenches and into the ground. As the effluent flows through the drain (leach) field, a new group of aerobic (with air) enzymes and bacteria begin to further break down the liquid into nutrients and base elements. Over time, a healthy layer of microbe filled bio material forms in the bottom of the trench, acting as another filter of germs and other pollutants for the liquid effluent.
The Soil – The final filter:
The purpose of the septic system’s drain field is to deliver the waste water to the soil where the final treatment process occurs. The soil filters the effluent while more oxygen dependent (aerobic) enzymes and bacterial action further break down chemicals and germs. If the system contains too much water or liquid, the good enzymes and bacteria will not have enough oxygen to effectively work, and the septic system may clog. In the soil the remaining liquid dissipates through evaporation into the atmosphere and, by filtration, further into the ground before it enters the water supply.
A Recap of the Sewage Treatment Process:
Solid and liquid waste is allowed to stand in septic tank for 3-5 days. Scum (Oil & Grease) floats and solids settle into Sludge.
Enzymes & bacteria break down the settled solids turning it into liquid, called “liquid effluent”.
Liquid effluent flows to the drain field (or leach field) and seeps into the surrounding soil.
The soil treats effluent and removes harmful bacteria, viruses, and nutrients. (Bacteria and enzymes in soil break down & remove most contaminants from wastewater before it reaches groundwater)"
I would recommend you read
Most of this folklore is believable because it contains elements of
truth. The concept of seeding a septic tank is partially true.
Septic systems are biological systems and must have bacteria to work. However, no special seeding is necessary to get them started.
The simple act of using the system will provide all the bacteria necessary to make the system function well. Yeast, manure,
and especially dead cats will not help develop the
colony of bacteria in the tank any faster.
Additives for old systems
Septic system folklore doesn't stop with seeding a new septic system. Many products are sold that claim to make old systems like new. Other products claim to eliminate the need to pump out the septic tank. These products usually contain yeast, bacteria, enzymes, or chemical degreasers. People often ask if additives can reduce or eliminate the need to pump a septic tank. It's a good question, too. So far, no additive has been proven effective in a controlled scientific study
"Holding tanks do not need anything and neither does septic systems, water is your best friend in both cases.
And for the record, my home does indeed have a septic system, they do not need anything to "start or maintain" them, just a periodic pump out by the honey differ wagon is all it takes for maintenance and just the act of using it will restart the process.. Everything it needs is contained within your own waste..