goducks10 wrote:
37' and 7256 lbs is not much weight for that long of a TT. I'm guessing the OP's getting some flex at the tongue. This is what happens when you combine Ultra Lite and ultra long.
I hope that isn't going to be a just deal with it issue goducks10. I am going to start with changing rear shocks on the truck and move some weight forward, I hope that fixes most of it, also probably going to replace the factory hitch with a class V, looking at
https://www.realtruck.com/curt-class-v-trailer-hitch/15300.html?utm_campaign=product_ads&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=867667&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgbLOh4_j2wIVArXACh1PHAXvEAQYCCABEgIIuPD_BwE more for a comfort after reading up on the factory hitch issue even tho mine looks good with no signs of the issue.