D-C-Johnson wrote:
goducks10 wrote:
37' and 7256 lbs is not much weight for that long of a TT. I'm guessing the OP's getting some flex at the tongue. This is what happens when you combine Ultra Lite and ultra long.
I hope that isn't going to be a just deal with it issue goducks10. I am going to start with changing rear shocks on the truck and move some weight forward, I hope that fixes most of it, also probably going to replace the factory hitch with a class V, looking at https://www.realtruck.com/curt-class-v-trailer-hitch/15300.html?utm_campaign=product_ads&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=867667&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgbLOh4_j2wIVArXACh1PHAXvEAQYCCABEgIIuPD_BwE more for a comfort after reading up on the factory hitch issue even tho mine looks good with no signs of the issue.
Yup thats the hitch I got. Why did I overkill so much for my 1500 silverado? Because it was cheaper then the lower grade model.
I did the shocks first. The porpoising improved but not all. When I changed the hitch it all went away.
Im on 9th link myself. I have head tilted as far back as it can go with all 7 or 8 washers in there. 740 tongue weight.
Its hard to get all the weight restored to front of truck on the GM's with the torsion bar front suspension. So dont try to over chain the wd bars.
Scale it when done. get 3 passes as outlined here.
The only goal with wd hitch is to get the front close to truck alone weights..