Dang dutch, what a saga.
Reminds me of, we moved to AZ bout 15 years ago. Brand new house in a new subdivision in a soon to not be agricultural area. Our place backed up to a cotton field the spring we moved in. They didn't plant the fall (or whatever season) crop and the field sat bare and all of a sudden us and everyone else had an invasion of cotton bugs or whatever they were. I'm talking literally millions? marching up n over the block wall fences. They stormed the house. Would fall out of the fixtures in the ceilings, like while you slept.... Every morning turn on the fart fan in the bathroom and it sounded like an air popcorn popper!
I sprayed about 1000% the recommended amount of industrial pesticide on both sides of the block fence. 1/3 would die on the back side and more on the front side. There were piles of them at the bottom of the fence! That kept the majority out of the house. Other neighbors paid big $ for exterminators ( I heard 4 figures out of some of the folks) some just got inundated. Couple folks actually moved out.
It was freakin crazy for a couple months. The next season there was only a few of them. The we moved....