I went to Mike Thompson's RV in Colton, Ca. to buy a new Travel Trailer. I had spoken with a person that I was told was a manager two weeks ago, and explained my complete sitution, money, trade-in, downpayment, credit score, everything. We had to wait until today to go back, but I have talked to this person over the phone during the last two weeks. She told me to bring my trailer and she would get me a "fantastic" deal. My wife and I completely unloaded our trailer and took it down. I was shuffled off to another sales person, by the "manager" I spoke with eariler. Our information was taken, and then we were told, by the sales person because the finance manager couldn't stop eating his lunch to talk to us, that our credit score would need to be 100 pts higher (to the exccelent range 750+) and we would need to pay off our current TT because he couldn't role it into the loan. Also a 50% down payment would be good. I think it was 50% because we were never told what the price of the TT would be. The MSPR that was listed is the highest in the Nation, I looked, and they didn't seem to want to give any discount, even with the nationial average of 30% being a norm. I feel the treatment I receeived was very rude and uncalled for. I warn anyone going there to be prepared for a rude awakening.
You learned a whole bunch of valuable lessons!
Starting with - *NEVER* attempt to "deal" over the phone!!..:S
Then there's...
1. Number one - and MOST important - if you plan to finance your purchase....
GET YOUR OWN FINANCING! Credit Union, Bank, etc.
If your CU or bank won't finance you for whatever reason - better keep what you have!
Otherwise - you're a prime candidate for..."BOHICA"..:(
(The dealer gets a percentage of the financing charges from the lender he uses)
2. Number two -
Sell your trade-in yourself! A trade-in is a set-up to be worked over on the purchase price!
Really simple, basic "UPs and DOWNs" at *ANY* dealer!
Value of your trade "UP" = price of new RV "UP"..:(
Price of new RV "DOWN" = trade-in value "DOWN"..:(
Obviously, those "UPs and DOWNs" only benefit the dealer -:(- and BTW, most often your trade will go to an auction.
Plus - the dealer will be be using MSRP for "negotiating"..:(
Mike Thompson is a volume dealer, in the number one camping (and vehicle) sales area in the country. Good weather all year round.
Thirteen million people in just the LA & OC counties - which doesn't include Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura.
Area is chock full of
"gotta have it NOW" walk-ins - MT has a huge inventory to make 'em happy.
MT hires lots of folks, male and female (on commission) that may have never owned an RV in their life! Trailer sales is where they begin their "careers".
If you've ever been to the Pomona "RV show" (or any of the MT sponsored RV "shows") - you are guaranteed to find salespersons who know WAY *less* than you. Some may be hired just for the events, to talk the talk and move you on to to "the closer".
One time I had to show a salesperson where HIS brochures were.
(He admitted it was his first day on the job).
You will find that the sales pitch is WAY less intense, if you (as a "looker") don't have your DW with you. Tell 'em you will go over the floor plans in the brochure/s and bring her back the next day.
Some dealers (at Pomona) even want you to sign-in in order to get a brochure. You are now "Charles Roast" (just call me "Chuck") at whatever address comes to mind.
Note that there are NEVER multiple dealers of the same brand at Pomona - verboten! (no competition permitted).
Yes, MT always has a trailer serving as an "auxiliary office" on the trailer lot/s - salespersons hang out there, eat lunch, drink coffee, etc.
MT *IS* a good place to go *LOOK* at all types of RVs - 'cause they have lots of 'em. Lots of salespeople too.
Note: Key word = "LOOK".
MSRP - the higher the MSRP, the better deal they can offer..:S
It's up to you to know prices - helps a lot to shop prices anywhere *outside* of the LA area - probably the most expensive in the country!
Internet will get you all over the USA - for lots better "bottom lines". (Get it in writing. Now you have a great starting point to continue shopping locally)
Speaking of bottom it is:
If a salesperson's mouth is moving - look for a forked tongue, LOL!
(That's an attempt at being polite/humorous and not using the term "lie" or "lying").