Old-Biscuit wrote:
I would have had a conversation with leader of group (there's always ONE)
"Looks like we are right in the middle of your large group. How about we swap sites with >>>>>>>>>>>That one? Then we are no longer in the middle"
Yes you reserved that favorite site.
Yes you should have been able to enjoy it.
But it didn't work out that way.
Look ahead....next time just swap sites.
Sometimes it's just easier and more enjoyable than the hassle/inconvenience of being stuck in middle of party.
X100. They probably wanted to be together anyway, and the sites on either side of the OP were the best that they could do. Others have mentioned that the campers on either side were rude, but would offering to switch sites with one of them have been a problem? Was not offering to do so rude on the OP's part? We've switched with people and everyone has a better time because if it. It's not a big deal. Sounds like all 3 sites were pretty similar anyway. Just a thought. We all need to consider others.