Old-Biscuit wrote:
I would have had a conversation with leader of group (there's always ONE)
"Looks like we are right in the middle of your large group. How about we swap sites with >>>>>>>>>>>That one? Then we are no longer in the middle"
When I read the first part of the post, I thought "Good thing we haven't done our family campout yet!" because yes, we might be "those people". So far, I've always managed to score adjacent sites, but if someone was caught in the middle of our group, I'd offer to switch with them (or offer to adopt them for the weekend - we DO eat some good food!)
Knowing how many people feel about "campground manners" - I TRY to teach my kids and grandkids to be proper campers. But stuff happens.
I agree with Old-Biscuit; see if you can work a trade? Otherwise, just roll with it. Try to place your vehicles/tables, etc so you have somewhat of a perimeter defined, then sip a cold beverage of choice and watch the fun :-)