Deb and Ed M wrote:
Something "we" (the members of need to remember: "We" understand that it's rude to cut through someone's campsite, tend a smoky campfire, burn trash, play loud music all night, get drunk and rowdy, not pick up after your dog, etc. But strange as it may seem - not everyone reads this forum (gasp!) And if you choose to politely tell another camper of their transgressions, you won't have the backing of umpteen thousand of us nodding in agreement - you might just come across as a cranky old person :-) and get ignored.
At that point, you have to decide how badly you want to fight about the issue.
And I suspect that where you live might have a lot to do with what happens next? I live on a big, all-sports lake where our lots are 50' wide. I am exposed to raucous behavior quite often (usually my own family, or the neighbors' families, who I dearly love) - so my usual stance to being annoyed is "roll with it". I can see how others, with large lots and peaceful suburbs, might get more bristle-y about bad behavior.
If I'm going to wage war, it will be over something far more serious than people cutting through my site.
I agree with you. Pick your battles. I don't know what it is but I just very rarely have a problem with neighbors.
Is this more of a problem back East or crowded campgrounds?