Funny, I just returned from a 2 week trip from our favorite state park as well. coudnt tell you how many people cut through our site.
we camp with some good friends of ours and we usually reserve 2 sites back to back. give us a lot of extra room for a general area.
kids riding their bikes right through the middle of it. random people walking between my trailer and the fire pit while we are sittiing there!!
the one that got me, was one night about 11 this motor home back in. these people were experienced. this guy parked that thing inbetween 2 trees like a boss. his wife was out side with a flashlight, standing behind the motor home, in full view of the camera. they even had a microphone so she could direct him.
this wasnt there first rodeo.
what really made my jaw drop was the next morning. They came back from taking their 2 dogs for a morning walk and preceded to walk right through the middle of our site, with both dogs in tow.
whats the matter with people?!!!