Statistically the cards are stacked against you. Many young families do not RV/Camp routinely and you are in the minority, although stats are changing some.
Like several have said, introduce friends to the adventures, and investigate campgrounds with kid activities.
Several you all are taking his comments/question incorrectly (no offense anybody).
~~** He never says they do not interact with the older people, just “ would like to meet people to hang out thats our age and have kids that close to our sons age.”
“We are what you refer to as "old" and we like to meet people while walking our dog around CG or RV park. We never have problems meeting others, but we are friendly to others and outgoing. It seems to me that younger people are UNFRIENDLY, as if "their world" excludes anybody that doesn't have little kids or an electronic device jammed into their ear!
Give it a try....approach others in a friendly manner and see what happens. “
“First of all that is your loss as you will miss out on learning more about RV'ing, etc. by not interacting with seasoned campers”
This is a pretty good take on the situation, we also run into:
We've struggled with making friends in our day to day life, and much more for camping friends. We've got one family that we've done things with about once a month for the last 10 years. Outside of that, everyone in my life is just an aquantence that I have to talk to early enough to get on their calendar. Even then, they'll only see us if nothing better comes up.
I think this is a comment on modern society as a whole. Technology has taken us all further apart, not closer. I have a few hundred people that will hit "like" when I post a camping picture, but none that will actually come along.
Now, before you go thinking I'm hard to get along with and the problem, you must know that my wife is very sweet and this phenomenon still happens to us!
We have had camping friends come along as guests a couple of times, and I was left feeling like a "host", not a camping buddy. Expenses went up, the amount of work went time relaxing in a lawn chair went down.
Where to find friends that have their own camper and kids that match us? That's a tough one? I will say, our boys have made friends on almost every trip. Within minutes.
We have one routine family that camps with us, due to our shared RV/camping and Mtn Biking passion.
This has also run it's course and has become less and less, due to difference type of travel (they tend to not travel far and we get out further distances), we did change to a Class C, vs. a travel trailer situation and friend have a larger Toyhauler (not as easy to travel distances).
Get out there and make lasting adventures, you may or may not find that optimal camping buddy!