The more I camp in the current day, the more I realize we just need to live with it, like it or not. Personally I will do anything NOT to fire up my emergency generator. I have solar and so far in every circumstance I've encountered we get by fine. When we camp, for the most part, we change to camping mode. Everything is cooked on the stove top, oven or the grill outside. Just the way we are. I did notice the last time I went camping with my sister-in-laws at a BLM campground there was a very quiet diesel generator running all day at a motorhome's site. Didn't bother me at all. Since they are minimalist campers it bugged them all day and they just couldn't sit 15 minutes with out complaining about this generator. What I found interesting is their (my sis-in-laws) dog would frequently start barking loudly and they thought that was fine.........still noise pollution. I'd rather hear a super quiet generator in the distance than a yappy dog!