Veebyes wrote:
After raising 2 children & living with all of the restrictions that goes with being resonsible for in raising children we throughly enjoy the irresponsible life of not having to worry about pets on the road.
We go where we want, stay as long as we want all day & don't have to worry about if the little dear is barking annoying the neighbours of having to modify what we go see one at a time because somebody has to babysit the dog.
A dog lives in our home but neither it nor the cats are ours.
Beats me why anyone would want to travel with furry children after decades of dealing with the 2 legged variety.
Raised 3 children, helped raise two of our grandchildren for about 3 years...our two boxers travels better than any of our children or grandchildren did. I guess it's different strokes for different folks...I don't condemn anyone for having a dog or not having a dog..I don't like incessant barking, ( ours don't), and I get ticked off at people too lazy to clean up after their pets...(we always clean up after ours and control where they go).
So you don't understand any of this.?..that's good....we won't have to worry about your dogs barking or messing around where I or others camp. We enjoyed raising our 3 kids and also in helping raise two of our four grandkids, and we love our dogs and are responsible pet owners...quite easy to understand really.