The loud diesels that we have encountered have been the early start-ups from 'worker' trucks that need to be at their job at the crack of dawn.
On our coach, we have to start the engine to pull the slides in (all electric). Before starting the engine, I have already connected the toad if it was unhooked (and if we are in a pull-through). Then, I start to empty the holding tank and make sure we have at least a half tank of fresh water (don't want to get too low).
It is recommended by our engine manufacturer to always put the 'high idle' on to circulate the oil when stationary. So, that will make for a fairly loud engine.
Once I start the engine, the air bags start to fill to level. That probably takes about 30-45 seconds. I wait until I hear the coach 'sneeze' before I start to pull the slides in. Each slide takes 10 seconds for the air seal to deflate before the slide moves and another 30 seconds per slide to come in all the way (times 4 slides). I control the two front slides from the driver's seat area and the rear two from the bedroom.
I'm sure we are not bothering anybody as we never leave before 11 AM. In most cases, we'll drive until 5-6PM and set up camp again. I surely don't want to miss the cocktail hour! :p
Safe travels,