Mar 28, 2015Explorer
Do the trucker not flash their lights to let you know when you have cleared them anymore ? I most always do for them.Pulled the TT to Ms and back last week 1800 miles not a one did,surprise me. Jerry
garyhaupt wrote:
I'm sorry..what is that like? passing someone?
Gary Haupt
marspec wrote:
If a trucker is passing me at a slow rate and holding up a mile of traffic I slow down so they can get past me and in front. Why don't they do that for each other?
pitch wrote:My opinion is they can hate all they want, because I don't like a bunch of they either. They have no idea who I am and whether I am a professional driver in my RV or not. I have been treated badly by way to many semi drivers both locally and out on the road. You get respect by giving it. We all pay for the roads and their upkeep. And by the way I do have a CDL and drive a school bus. JMHO.
That is just a nostalgic relic of the past. When a professional driver needs my help to operate safely it is time to get off the road. My brother is a trucker and there are several others in my circle of friends and acquaintances, and to a man they hate RV,ers with every fiber of their being. We are either slow and in the way,or driving on the ragged edge with barely adequate equipment. There are way to many wanna be truckers driving an RV. You are not a trucker and never will be,you do your thing and let them do theirs. I don't do it don't expect it.
One other thing,when you pull into an angled rest area slot,DO NOTmatch front bumpers with the semi next to you. Match back bumpers so they don't whip into a spot and find you 15 feet in.
pitch wrote:Often a trucker will signal ME when I can get over. I consider it polite.
When a professional driver needs my help to operate safely it is time to get off the road. My brother is a trucker and there are several others in my circle of friends and acquaintances, and to a man they hate RV,ers with every fiber of their being.