Naio wrote:
Municipal laws that allow composting toilets usually require a two-year period of composting for any sort of animal waste, including composting toilet contents.
A skilled composter, using the right inoculants, huge quantities of poo, and operating in a warm climate, could probably get compost much more quickly than that.
But in a cool climate, and in quantities produced by just a few people, it takes some time before you get a product that is safe to put on your salad greens. And that's when compost is finished -- when it is safe to handle and use in a garden without burying it.
If you want to use it in a vegetable garden maybe (I said flower garden). Of course that's municipal rules where they really don't want to encourage anything but a flush toilet. Plus finding the room to store several months waste is a lot easier in a residential building, so there was no point in pushing back even if the rule was silly.
Doesn't take much "skill" to compost. An RV in use is plenty warm and every time you sit down, you add "innoculants".
I'm guessing you grew up in the city. Farmers certainly don't wait two years before putting manure on fields.