If this is how I should be calculating it, then how can camping world be selling me what they are?
The salesman has absolutely no idea what you will be carrying in your Yukon so is making an educated guess. Based on personal experience his guess is going to be pretty close as long those trailers he was showing you with those wieghts were GVWR and no empty wieght
Had (still have) an 05' Tahoe fully tow equiped from the factory and pulled a 6000# fully loaded TT for tens of thousands of miles with no problems. I would no want to tow more than that with that vehicle. So if the model he is showing you with the 6800# was the GVWR of the TT you would likely end up at 6000# actual wieght loaded and you'll be fine.
Like somebody else said though you really have to do your own homework. Estimate your own wieghts and go from there.