Couple years ago on a trip to FL, a rock put a 'star' right in the driver's field of vision. A call to our insurance company set us up with a Safelite dealer who would do the crack repair injection at no out of pocket to us. Unfortunately, we were driving in a days long rain event. The Safelite shop did not have a bay tall enough for a motorhome (hardly any do). The rain continued as we drove East and every Safelite dealer told us the same thing..."need a dry day for the repair". We finally arrived in FL as the rain stopped. We had an appointment at the local Safelite shop the next morning but that night the temp dropped to 30 degrees. We woke up to a frost covered windshield and a crack running all the way across. Waited until we got home and had to pay the $250 deductible for a new one. Since then we've had Safelite do the injection repair and could not see it.