Hi All.
Besides making sure that everything is locked up good and tight, we have a "Motion Sensor Alarm", inside of each of our SUV's and our Motorhome.
Even our Stick Build house is protected 24/7 by ADT. We also have an outside "Alarm Box, that if it is tripped, it can be heard for at least 1 mile away from our house.
Are we really worried about it, not really. For one thing it sure makes for an Insurance Claim a snap, as we also have pictures of everything that we own, in "Pictures". In case of a fire and a total loss, it sure is a life saver, along with a "Certified Appresal" of all of our belongings all in the Banks Safety Lock Box. Besides that, we have a Police Officer who live right next store to use, Sweet.
We Travel Worry Free and really enjoy ourselves. Good Luck Dan & Jill & our two "yorkie Kids" who love to travel as much as we do.