You asked a question that depends on your skill and energy.Can't answer it.
Me I would have a pro remove them and prep and paint or coat the entire cap and mask and tape and paint the graphics. Probably only two colors, then clear it with urethane or the latest auto paint. You won't have to do anything further to it with two coats for 20 years. My 05 F150 older paint tech still looks new. The put on decals with short life to get it out the door. Most people don't seem to keep the units very long. Graphics and paint fade and it gets traded. Especially the corrugated stuff which is very hard to deal with. I have wondered if planned obselesance isn't the plan o as to sell more units next year and so on. Out here in Arizona I have sen thousands of towables and Mh parked fro a long time. I wonder if they got here and sold as too old for banks, 10 years, to be interested in financing for resale.