Just Googled this out of curiosity....I found this......
Hi William, I am a new member of the forum. I have had diabetes for 10 years and I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. We have 3 months of 100+ weather, with little rain. Today it is supposed to be 106. To “beat the heat” I have a zippered insulin, and test equipment bag, that has a place for an small ice bag (that comes with it.) When I go out I can take my insulin and test stuff with me. The cold bag allows me keep things cool. It is small (paperback book size) enough to carry on a belt. It was FREE from "Lifestyle" meters. (my back up meter) I am sure you can call them and ask about the free bag. Good luck
Diabetes Forums Also someone talked about a FRIO large wallet.
My dh has diabetes also but we leave the air on and rarely leave for a day.
Although we have good insurance we found Walmart has a good monitor that uses much cheaper strips...ReliOn mini is the brand, different sizes. Good luck!