naturist wrote:
Those folks who claim diesel isn’t economically warranted have never had a diesel, I suspect. I’ve now had three diesel vehicles, a car and two SUVs. All three got about 1/3 farther on a gallon of fuel than gas engines versions of the same vehicle. Towing our TT, 5,000 lbs gross weight, we average 14, but have gotten 17 a couple times and once got only 9 (into a 50 mph headwind).
I have had several. I have a 40 DP now. A DP isn’t even in the discussion as you can’t have a 30-40K pound gas coach.
Pay $4-10k more plus fuel is 40-50 cent/gal higher, higher maintenance $,
You would have to drive 300-400k miles to break even and nobody keeps them that long.
If you want the power to go up the hill a little faster more power to you (yuk).
There are diesel vs gas calculators out there if you want to look.
And lord help you if you bought a 6.2 GM or a 6.0 Ford.