I am on full disability both from the state and also s/s. I worked for the State of Florida and they were the ones who put me on disability. I had a stroke while coming on duty for work in a state prison. A high risk, high stress environment. Lots of health problems among staff. They could not take a chance of me having another one. They gave me full disability and s/s agreed and gave me full also. I was only 57. At times I feel good and feel guilty for being on disability. The catch is, I only feel good a couple of days a week. The rest of the time, I could not work a job if I had one. It has improved some with my new defibrillator. Would gladly give up disability payments if I could have my health back and go back to work.
In the hearing, answer all questions candidly and don't volunteer any additional info. If they need to know, they will ask. Good that he has a lawyer. I have heard that s/s automatically turns most applications down the first two times.
Good luck.