Francesca Knowles wrote:
JaxDad wrote:
Francesca Knowles wrote:
GaryKH wrote:
In a Government owned Campground (not private), should sites be offered at a discount for disabled people? Maybe 50%?
No; especially not as a "system-wide rule".
Don't forget that for every person that gets a discount, somebody else's costs go up.
I wish that same logic was applied to everything else. I pay about $15k a year to various school boards. I have no children.
My neighbours children however get 'world class' educations for 'free'.
I think the term is, in the truest sense of the words, "universal sufferage".
Everybody suffers so a few get a benefit.
Sorta hard to see a parallel between maintaining civic responsibilities like educating the nation's children and subsidizing a recreational activity like paid camping-?
Well I disagree with you and totally agree with
Francesca. And nation's children you say? No, just somebody else's children. Their parents should pay for their own children's education. That's part of responsible parenting.