bid_time wrote:
I have as much compassion for disabled people as the next guy. My wife is diabled. If disability qualified for a discount, I'd be getting the discount. But you see, I figure the disability check makes up for the lack of a discount. However, I'm getting a little tired of the "I want it free" society we're becoming.
May I speak for some of us that are disabled?
We don't expect anything for "free." If the park is offering a disabled discount, that is their decision, not mine, and I am going to take it.
Many, many times there is no discount and we pay full price without compliant.
Not using the swing does not reduce cost but lots of things, like bath houses,swimming pools, or anything else that requires maintenance does have a reduced cost when not used by the disabled.
There is no argument that any person, disabled or not, that does not use the facilities causes less in expenses than someone that does.