Forum Discussion

TheFitRV_James's avatar
Aug 18, 2014

Do Ice Cubes in the Black Tank Really Work?

Not so much, according to my latest testing...

I know I'm supposed to be working on testing additives, but I had this idea and couldn't resist heading out to test it. I could never test all the different ways people use the ice, but I think I got a good representation. Check it out and then make up your own mind. I managed to keep the video to a mere 8 minutes (which is really good for me).

Full write-up and video from *inside* the tank here:

When all is said and done, it did work a very little bit. But in my opinion, you'd be better off just letting things soak.
  • noplace2 wrote:
    ol Bombero-JC wrote:
    noplace2 wrote:
    It never ceases to amaze me that so many respondents never read beyond the initial post. Please curb yourself until you have read what other people have had to say. Too difficult for you? Shut your fingers!

    "noplace2" is in never-never amazing ceasing land.

    Yeah - so - take a hike!


    Get a life!

    Shut your fingers!
    (Now that's harsh talk - don't let children see it! Mods and/or Admin may have to take action!)

    Without reading, you're getting noplace fast....or is that half-fast?..:R

    you have been blocked

    Com'n Man. Bombero might have jumped quick, but you have to admit you were the guy that came out on the attack of others.

    I don't think that you blocking Bombero is as traumatic for him as you think it is. LOL

    Maybe we should chalk it up to a bad day and retire to neutral corners on this one.
  • just me wrote:
    Well as I stated on his site, fitrvjames Round ice is not going to do anything, it needs the corners of a cube to scrape and remove, and his truck bed was a bit small for a bigger tank to really get the slosh going. Good try though, to much time on his hands to do this kind of experiment.
    Question for those who was able to check the inside of your tank, How on earth did you do it? Was it clear as James tank? maybe a colon scope???? (colonoscapy)

    Every ice cube I have had in my drink has been rounded under a minute.
  • Monaco Montclair wrote:
    Been working for us for 5yrs now. And it's all happy camping

    Rubbing my tummy counter clockwise keeps the elephants away. Been doing it for years and have yet to see an elephant around my camp site.
  • JJBIRISH - I love it! If only you had posted that before I ran the experiment. Although someone would, undoubtedly, say that 5 pointed ice cubes had some geometric flaw which rendered them unsuitable for tank cleaning.

    Dakzuki - I also spray "Tiger Repellent" around the campsite when boondocking. It's always worked!

    Glad to see some folks with a similar sense of humor to mine! :-)
  • I just love how the band wagon works on this site.
  • If you people had more fiber in your diets:

    1) you wouldn't have so much poo sticking to your tanks

    2) you'd be a lot less cranky in the WalMart camping threads
  • Like I always say. Save the ice for a nice cold relaxing beverage.:)

    Just plain old water in the tank with the poop. Flush out tank couple times a year with a water wand.