mgirardo wrote:
I was just curious if anyone has ever donated an RV? We are interested in getting rid of the HTT in my signature quickly and thought donation would work. We've tried to sell it for several months. We've had tons of interest, but no buyers. It's amazing how many folks are interested and setup appointments to view it and then never show up.
Is there one service that is better than others? We were looking at Cars For US Troops. I couldn't think of a more worth charity, but I am not familiar with them other than their web site.
To enlarge on jfkmk's ealier cautionary post:
If you decide to donate to a Charity, do check it out thoroughly beforehand. Many such organizations keep most of the proceeds for themselves, citing "overhead costs". As little as one or two percent of monies collected and sent...
somewhere guarantees their "tax exempt charitable organization" status. There's no other oversight at all on these groups.
The organization you name above gives no hard information at its website as to how much of its "fundraising" actually winds up helping anyone except themselves. (No financial reports etc.) And it doesn't appear
at all at the Charity Watchdog Group Charity Navigator's
Donations for Troops page, which rates charities from high to low in terms of how much money goes to "overhead" and how much is actually disbursed. I'd be most reluctant to donate to an organization that claims to have donated millions to Veterans organizations, but that doesn't even appear as low man on that particular scale.
Here's an idea:
If you really want to directly help Troops- why not offer the hybrid free to some veteran who wants it? Maybe your local VFW could find such a person for you; and even make arrangements for paperwork allowing you a tax break therefrom.
That way, 100% of your donation value goes for the purpose you intend!