wbwood wrote:
Unfortunately, some people are ruining it for the rest. They are starting to restrict the drones more and more now. There are already many state and municipality laws concerning them and the FAA is trying to get their hand in on them as well. Lately being that if you are using one for commercial reasons, then you have to have a pilots license. This is of course if you remain legal.
Caution and legislation is justified!
As stated, just a few are ruining it for the rest.
I am an instructor with a local R/C Flying Club. A couple of years back we had an individual (of obvious middle Eastern appearance - sorry if that's profiling, but it was true) show up with brand new equipment (plane, radio gear etc).
He was not interested in learning the basics of take-offs, landings etc. All he wanted to know was "How far can it fly and how much can it carry?", As we are not that far from a National Guard base, that set the mental alarms ringings and all the instructors refused to take him on. We called the FBI instead!!