Another consideration with drones is insurance, and I don't mean on the drone. Back when I flew fixed wing model airplanes, the club I belonged to required an Academy of Model Aeronautics membership. Along with this membership came an insurance policy for one million dollars that covered you if your plane was involved in an accident. You need something like this on a drone so if its battery dies and it drops out of the sky frightening a motorist who then hits a tree, you have some protection against the sure-to-be-filed lawsuit.
But wait, there's more. My drone wasn't cheap and drones are not fail safe. Mechanical and electrical problems, unexpected winds, and radio interference can all end in disaster. Taking no chances means you have to be very careful when and where you fly, or your expensive toy could join the birds high in a tree. Serious hobbyists may take this in stride, but in my case, DW would not be amused.