gmw photos wrote:
A popular recurring theme around here is to "go with the trailer GVWR".
My trailer actually weighs right at 4100 pounds. It's GVWR is 6000 pounds.
Using the logic of simply going by the GVWR would rule out some tow vehicles that in reality would be perfectly capable of towing this trailer.
I prefer to think in terms of "approximately dry weight, plus 1000 pounds or so". That seems to come out pretty close.
But those that are concerned with inventory of every bud light in the camper fridge for weight purposes (There are better reason me to inventory the fridge, like to not run out of beer 30 minform town) likely are the ones that should be worried about it due to their lack of experience.
Anyone who can go hook the same trailer to a real truck and tell a discernible difference in 500 or even 1000lbs is either more perceptive than I, or thinking too hard about it.